Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Routine or Lack there of

Sticking to a routine is difficult for me if school isn't involved. I was born with a happy-devil-may-care unstructured way of doing things and I have reached the point where nothing gets done. Then, I make the pathetic, haphazard "plan" of doing the unfinished thing tomorrow. A nice way of putting it off. So, I woke up turned on my laptop and started typing this up.

I will saw that my reading routine is the only one that's stuck through the years.When the day is done I get a shower, put on pajamas, make a cuppa and snuggle with a book. There are nights, however, when I fall asleep while reading in bed. Sometimes my full cup of tea is forgotten and when I go in for a sip my faces pinches when the stone cold liquid reaches my lips.

I've also started making my bed; it feels good to have that be the first accomplishment of the day. Getting up the same time everyday is a challenge I have yet to master since I read and do some writing until 1 am.  Well, that's it for now, I have to get dressed for work soon. Sitting in a housecoat and washed out Spongebob pajamas is a luxury but I have to start the day properly.

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