Thursday, January 10, 2019

In The Fast Lane

January is a clean slate for those of us who celebrate the New Year on January 1rst. Any portion of the year can be a New Year when ever you celebrate it, but for this lady it's January and tomorrow I'm starting the 21 Days of Fasting through my church and giving up social media, which includes this blog. So, for the next three weeks there will be no posts and I'm sure there are many of you who are like, "Well, there's hardly any posts on here anyway."


This, however, is completely intentional and has a purpose. The hardest part is going to be Facebook, Instagram, YouTube. I fasted YouTube last year and realized how much time was left and how many uploads were just sitting there waiting to be consumed. 50 of them and in reality I would have watched half, BUT that fifty video accumulation could still happen because I watched repeats of things and there was no in watching something completely different. 

*insert Monty Python reference here*

*insert complete elation at someone getting alluded to reference*

In regards to what this fast is for that'll be kept to myself. So, here's to a prosperous fast!

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