These posts are far and few but I make no apologies; I've been on a gap semester and soaking it up with relaxing-as much as you can with a career-and reading. I've been falling back in love with writing and hit a bit of a reading slump, but jumped out when I started The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater. This is also being written on a rainy day best spent in jammies, but instead of jammies I'm in clothes comfortable enough to pass as them. Close enough.
Just thought I'd mention that I'm participating in Camp Nanowrimo this July. I've been saying I'll participate and never did for the past five years but it's going to happen! I'm going to do November Nano every year starting this year! I also hope I can go to The Night of Writing Dangerously next year. Made a deal with myself that if I participate and write everyday. even if I don't reach my goal word count, I'm going to buy a Nanowrimo shirt. The goal is 25,000 words, which means writing 833 words a day. This is also the month whwn I'm going to distance myself from Youtube.
I watch it more than regular tv, unless it's Murder,She Wrote and, recently, Jack and Ozzy's World Detour. There are so many fantastic BookTubers out there! I need a break; my kindle has been less books more videos and I fasted YouTube for a month before and it was the best decision, so it's time to do it again. I've also been letting go of some personal routines that make me happy. I've ben forgetting to have Bible time the past few nights, haven't made my evening tea, or utilized my designated reading time because of being exhausted.So, it's going to be a time of getting things back in order.
Sounds good to me...keep it up.