Friday, February 15, 2019

There isn't a title for this because, frankly, I can't think of one; this is a reflection on the fast I partook of in January and what I took from it. First and the obvious: I had a lot of time on my hands without social media on them. instead of flicking through cat and food photos in the morning I decided to journal, whether it be a dream I had the previous night-usually of the travel or lucid variety- or a list of gratitude. The mornings when the cat comes to visit are especially nice!

Another thing is that it gave me so much time to write. Again, obvious, but nevertheless well worth mentioning. There are definitely social media platforms I can live without and can ween from others. I plan on doing another fast in the near future and,hopefully, will create worthwhile content in the meantime.

I compiled a list of projects to finish and dreams to accomplish. As for content on this blog I've worked out a schedule, Fridays are good, and there are going to be bool reviews here and there. That's it for now. Hope you're all doing well.